Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The August Men's Night of Prayer and Reflection was held last night. Attendance was slightly off. I'm sure that this was due to it being the height of the vacationseason and the extreme heat. Fr. Felix spoke last night on Baptism and what it means for us as adults.


  1. I now have an e-mail list of about 60 names of people who attend Mass at the chapel. It will allow us to keep in better contact. I see it as a way of sending out links to current items of interest to all Catholics and also of keeping people up-to-date on what is happening in the Chapel. I think this is particularly important because in January we will be celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the chapel-in-the-Mall.

  2. Dear Father Herb-
    I am a grand-niece of Brother Damien (Patrick) Chong. I am looking for my family.
    If he is still with St. Therese could you please have him contact me?
    Thank you so much,
    Julie Remington (grand-daughter of Agnes Chong)

  3. Hello Father,
    What days are you saying the noontime Mass this week? Can I arrange a private confession with you?


  4. The message fro Dennis should have been more specific:
    Hello Father HERBERT,
    What days are you saying the noontime Mass this week? Can I arrange a private confession with you?
